Friday, March 13, 2009

100mm randals w/precision axels

You saw it here first! MC Deming's new 100/114mm modified randal hangers w/precision 8mm axels.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

How to Skate into old age?

Wear your helmet! There are NO excuses for NOT wearing a helmet. It only takes one fall to render someone brain damaged or dead. Every year I hear about a serious accident that could have been avoided, if the skater was wearing a helmet, and wearing it properly. If you got a helmet, buckle it. Easy.

If you want a helmet, there is a charity that will give you one, for free, as long as you promise to wear it. The Ian Tilmann Foundation was set up by Ian's family after his death, and has been a driving force in assuring longevity in the skateboard community. Please check out the site, and pay your respects...

Skate hard, skate safe, and skate for life.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Snow and 40

See any dry pavement yet? im still hoping that the sun and the the balmy 4o degrees might open up overlook. Maybe down for a slide sesh anyway.